Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's do or die time NOW! No excues will be accepted...

Congratulations to President-elect Obama and all his supporters for his victory. As a black man I truly can appreciate the symbolism of the moment. But as an American I look forward to the day when we've grown passed attempting to satisfy our insatiable hunger for the merely symbolic. In the mean time I'll settle for being right about socialist policies.

Some believe that Obama is unbeatable in 2012, but I think its do or die time for Obama and the Democrats right now. They were elected on the premise that they could make things better for all Americans and they have to either get it done, or show some clear signs that things are moving in that direction by 2012 or else. It's very amusing to watch all the scrambling to bring down the much heralded expectations. Even the kool-aid guzzling Obamatrons are in on the act as they clinch their bottoms and cross their fingers, praying for a miracle. And it indeed would be nothing short of miraculous for Obama to pursue the policies he campaigned on and we somehow don't come face to face with the 'unintended', though very predictable, consequences thereof. Nature doesn't work like that though, and the real God instituted the laws of nature. Come to think of it God only performs miracles for the purpose of our turning to Him, and not to the -maybe not-so-cheap (we'll see)- counterfeits...

From here I can see their game plan for 2012. When their policy ‘changes’ fail to get desirable results (to put it mildly), they will attempt to use the FDR strategy of blaming the previous administration. Can they pull it off though? I think it depends on if the GOP continues to neglect representing and defending conservative principles, (i.e. Reagan’s or otherwise). In addition, I think that -much like the good Reverend’s Sharpton and Jackson with the whole Don Imus deal- the liberal MSM has managed to severely overplay their hand even amongst folks who voted for Obama. If I’m right then none of this bodes well for those peddling ideologies which are long on rhetorical flourish but short on substance.

Nevertheless, the GOP can NOT attempt to regroup by merely suiting up with fresh ‘conservative’ soundbites to counteract the Dem’s soundbites and expect to revisit the winning column. They can never win that battle when the media they channel that stuff through is all to happy to expose the vacuous nature of neocon rhetoric, while at the same time uncritically hailing the supposed wisdom of the Dem’s. In fact if anything the last 8 yrs (including the last two elections) should have made absolutely clear that (a)you can NEVER out democrat a democrat, and (b)the liberal MSM hates all things conservative so there is nothing to be gained in trying to pander to them. Pander to the people instead. This country is very much a center-right country despite Hollywood and the MSM. The greatest favor the GOP could do for themselves is to start acting like they know it…

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