Saturday, September 20, 2008


Obama and his minions are blaming deregulation for the current financial crisis. But in fact it was regulation via the pressure Democrats put on 'Freddy and Fannie' to make those bad loans which both initiated and sustained this 'crisis'. The housing crisis is a clear example of what happens when government sticks their nose in a free market.

No politician wants to say it, but the fact is this particular house of cards fell because people could not afford the mortgages they were NOT qualified for, but allowed to get anyhow (due to the pressure from government to lend). Furthermore, many of these 'innocent' homeowners were knowingly taking a gamble -with odds they clearly overestimated- that they could sell the house for a profit before the real terms of that loan kicked in...

This is a train that was set in motion by the government's direct interference with (i.e. corruption of) the free market, thus leading to an inevitable -and very predictable- collision with reality. In my opinion it is totally fitting that the government stepped in to bail out the same, since government is the reason why this all started in the first place. Nonetheless, whether these companies needed to be bailed out or not doesn't change the facts on the ground. Whenever you can't pay your mortgage then your going to have to either refinance, take on an extra job, or move somewhere you can afford. Living according to your means is not a tragedy but a great way to keep your peace of mind...

The real abuses on Wall St. occurred when books were intentionally cooked so that those CEO's could get their money before abandoning ship, all the while duping stock holders who have thus been financially ruined by the whole fiasco. The interesting part is that these same corrupt companies didn't fail to make their rounds giving out campaign donations though. Who were they giving money to and why is the question...

Like it or not McCain and Bush are the only ones on the record calling for more regulation of these companies (2-3 yrs ago), and the Democrats are on the record blocking regulation. Now this isn't all that strange given the fact that they've spent the last 6 yrs adopting a totally anti-republican position on everything. However what is odd is that Democrats happened to be getting really hefty campaign donations from those same dirty companies.

Riddle me this then: How is it that republicans are the supposed enablers this corruption via deregulation, and yet if we follow the money trail, these companies appear be demonstrably more enthralled with supposed regulation loving Democrats like Senator Obama and Senator Dodd? You certainly don't see the same dynamic with the oil industry...

My first thought was that the Dems probably just threw better parties, but then a truly disturbing but more enlightening consideration occurred to me. If Democrats supposedly love regulation so much, then why exactly wouldn't they jump at any invitation (from Bush or anybody) to engage in their favorite pastime? Methinks they knew very well what was coming, and saw a political opportunity (since they don't have Iraq any more).

Think what you may, but therein lies the very type of corrupt Washington politics which need to be reformed Mrs. Barbara Walters. The numbers (i.e. the money) are very telling, and they DON'T lie. According to those numbers, Obama is neck deep in the very back room wheeling and dealing he pretends to be the cure for. Face it folks, there is a reason why this guy has friends like Tony Rescko and Jim Johnson. No you can't 'run from your words or your record' sir!


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